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焦作市广德义地毯配套材料有限公司是一家专业生产地毯铺装材料的股份制民营企业。公司前 身为武陟县西陶镇永发地毯配套材料厂,于2006年初改制更名。公司经过近五年的跨越式发展,已成为生产地毯铺装辅料行业的领头企业,公司现有员工150多人,各类专业技术人员20余人,建筑面积4000多平米,各类专业设备及流水线共30余台套,固定资产近400万元,年产值1500多万元。
  我公司拥有自营进出口权,目前公司产品有k100-wd140,k100-wd160,k100-wd180等规格的环保型地毯专用烫带,以及各种规格的木 钉条,地毯胶垫,防滑垫,铝收口条,地毯烫斗和小撑子等。产品质量稳定,规格,目前已销至全国30 多个省市自治区和美国,澳大利亚,加拿大,港台等国家和地区。一直以来公司在保证产品质量的前提下,以合理的价格,优质的服务和快捷的交货方式深得客户的好评,同时也赢得海内外客户的广泛信赖和美好赞誉。
  JiaoZuo City GuangDeYi carpet supporting material Ltd. is a stock system non-governmentally operated enterprise specialized produing carpet lays loading material. The predecessor of company is the Wu Zhi County Xi Tao town Yong Fa carpet supporting material factory ,which is renamed at the beginning of the 2006 . The company has become the leader in the industry producing carpet loading subsidiary matearial through 5 years great-leap-forward development. Now the company has employees more than 150 , professional and technical personnel of all kinds more than 20 , building area more than 4,000 square metres, the special equipment and production line of all kinds more than 30 in total , fixed assets nearly 4 million Yuan , annual production value more than 15,000,000 Yuan .
  At present, the products of the company have the specification of the k100-wd140 , k100-wd160, k100-wd180 specified environmental protection type carpet special used to heat up belt and various of specification nog strip , carpet glue , antislipery cushion, the aluminium closing in strip , carpet heating up and little surporting tools and so on. Products quality is stable , specification is all in readiness.At present, we already sell them to the whole nation more than 30 provinces, cities, autonomous regions and countries and regions such as the USA , Australia , Canada, Hongkong and TaiWan.On the premise of products quality in guarantee, the company got customer\\\'s good comment very much and win also broad of here and overseas customers trust and fine praise at the same time by reasonable price , high quality service and rapid delivery way.
企业名称: 焦作市广德义地毯配套材料有限公司 企业类型: 企业单位 (贸易商)
所 在 地: 河南/焦作 企业规模:
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份: 2007
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
企业模式: 贸易商
所属范围: 地毯烫带,收口条,钉条